I have recently been accepted to the Disney College Program. The program is designed for college students to move to Orlando, work and learn as much as they can about The Walt Disney Company and gain amazing experience to put on a resume. I am really excited about this amazing opportunity. I really do not know what exactly I want to do when I graduate and I am hoping that this program will point me in the direction that I am supposed to go!
For people that are thinking about doing the program you first have a few decisions you have to make. First decision would have to be are you willing to take a semester off of school. If you answer yes to this question then the Disney College Program might be some thing you should do. If you are thinking you could see yourself becoming apart of the Disney Cast the college program is a great way to get your foot in the door with the company. Okay next decision would have to be what season do you want to apply for either fall, spring or summer. I am doing the Spring Program so I will be living in Orlando starting in January and my program will be finished at the end of May. After completion of the program you are offered many opportunities if you can prove yourself to be a hard worker.
I am very excited about my Disney venture. I am sure that once I have completed the program I will be able to better describe what exactly happens during the college program. I will be happy to share any of my experiences. I hope that this is my start to finding my way. I believe that this program is designed to help many college students to realize whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish and dreams really do come true!!!
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