Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MUSIC VIDEOS =] November 3, 2009

Some music videos will be remembered forever, it all depends on the design of the video. A music video is supposed to visual show the song that it is for. I would have to say that Thriller is one of the greatest musical videos of all times. It has a very unique design. It is a very long music video. Most average songs are between 3 and 4 minutes so most music video are about that same length. Even though Thriller was made back in the 80's it is still being recognized today. Michael Jackson was one of the most talented musician ever. You don't just get named The King of Pop for no reason =]

Too prove that Thriller is still loved by people today, I wanted to share this website!!!
Its called thrilltheworld.com. According to there website, "Thrill The World is a worldwide attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Largest Simultaneous Dance with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Thousands of people in cities around the world will learn the “Thriller”, dance and perform it together on the day that Thrill the World takes place."

As you can see the design of a music video determines it it will be remembered forever or forgotten by tomorrow. Michael Jackson was a very talented designer of music and dance. You can see and here this in his work that is still alive in many people today =]

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