Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brothers and Sister =] December 9, 2009

There are many shows on TV today that try to depict "The American Family." Not all of these show are great depictions of a real family. Families are not perfect. There are always problems that we have to deal with and that is just life. Life happens and you have to deal with it, most of the time you rely on your family to help you get through the tough times and they are there to celebrate with you during the happy times. You know that your family is going to be there for you no matter what happens! One of my favorite TV families is the Walker family, from ABC's hit TV show Brothers and Sisters. There problems are real and the drama is real life issues that family's really have to deal with. There are 5 siblings in this family and they bring all sorts of drama to the dinner table. They deal with the issues of divorce, money problems, illness, work problems, drug and alcohol problems, and of course what family doesn't have sibling rivalry. No episode is perfect and none of the family members are perfect but that is why I think I like this show so much. No real life families are perfect so it is nice that the Walker's are so easy to relate to.

To join the family drama you should check out Brothers and Sisters. It airs on ABC every Sunday at 10pm =] Check it out!!!

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