Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Microsoft Surface! September 30, 2009

I love looking at future technology. I think it is so exciting to look at where we are headed. The Microsoft Surface is a pretty interesting new product. It is like a huge touchscreen table that can do lots of stuff a normal computer cannot do. It is amazing to think that someday soon these technologies will not just be a dream, but a reality. They will become the new normal, everyday kind of technology that we interact with on a daily basis. It will be fun to see what the other company's will come up with to compete with the design of Microsoft Surface. And I wonder how long it will take for these technologies to become available to the general public. They are going to have to come down on the price before an "average Joe" can buy one of these new computers. Right now they are selling for $12,500.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NEW Fashion Trends in a Recession!! September 23, 2009

Over the weekend my grandma bought me my first fashion scarf.  These scarfs are the cheap way to get a new look this season when money is tight.  I think that it is an excellent idea because you can create a totally different look or design for yourself with little money.  You take an outfit that you bought last fall, this season you add a scarf and  there you go... you have an outfit that looks brand new and all you did was put a scarf around your neck that could be as cheap as $7.  Now if you buy the fashion scarfs at a store like Macy's you will pay probably around $25 but you can find them much cheaper at Target and Walmart.  Whoever thought of this was very smart because with the way the market is people are not going to be going out and spending their money the way we use too.  But when you are thinking of ways to create/design new outfits with thing you already have at home these scarfs are the cheap and fashionable way to go!  Why didn't they think of this fashion design idea sooner :) 

Cute or Ugly?? September 23, 2009

What is in this fall season?? Moccasins :) Now personally I think that these shoes are adorable and practical.  I think that they would be really comfortable and totally worth buying.  I was shopping a few weeks ago with one of my friends and I told her that I wanted a pair of these shoes.  She laughed at me and told me they were really ugly.  Of course I did not agree with her and still don't agree with her.  I really am going to get these shoes sometime soon!! Anyways but this made me think... What makes something ugly or cute? Like who gets to decide.  Now obviously we all can have our own personal opinion about certain shoes or other articles of clothing.  But who decides what clothes are in this season and what is so last season?  Why do we follow these rules? It is really interesting to me because we are all guilty of following these fashion rules!

The BEAN :) September 23, 2009

I am sure that many people have been to Chicago before.  I know that I have visited Chicago many times.  Well we have friends that live really close to the city so this summer my family took a little road trip/weekend get-away to go and see them.  Now visiting a city and living in a city are obviously very different.  We new that by have our friends show us the city we were going to get a different look at the city on this trip.  Now I had never been to Millennium Park before but our friends had told us this was a part of Chicago that you needed to see.  In the middle of this park there is a giant silver bean.  It is so awesome.  It is so big, I was so confused as to why no one had ever told us about this park in Chicago before.  The bean has a very interesting design.  It  is in the shape of a huge bean, and it is made out of stainless steel so it is like one giant mirror.  It is a great tourist spot and because of its interesting design it is really fun to take pictures of!!  Next time you are in Chicago it would be worth the stop to check out Millennium Park!  The Chicago Bean has to make it on your list of sites to see :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Who doesn't have a facebook??? That would be an easier question to answer rather than trying to figure out all of the people that have one!  I think that facebook is a very neat social network that connects people to one another.  With its design you can send messages to all of your friends and view pictures that your friends post.  It connects everyone from high school friends that have not seen each other in a long time or even connects friends or family who live far apart from one another.  It is a great way to keep in contact with people especially since our daily lives are so busy and fast paced..  We normally do not have the time to call all of our friends to check and see how they are so we just get on facebook and with a few clicks of a mouse we can check up on all of our friends really fast.  I think that facebook is a really neat tool that everyone can use to network with other people!   

Fearless! September 16, 2009

I am a huge Taylor Swift fan! She is a truly talented musician and even though we are the same age I really look up to her!  Her newest album is called "Fearless."  The picture above is her album cover.  I love the design of this album cover! I think that it is really cool and really show a lot about Taylor Swift.  Almost all Taylor fans love her hair!!  People say they want Taylor curls!  I think that this album really shows the true Taylor.  She is the kind of person that is not going to let public opinion change her.  She is going to stay true to herself no matter what.  She is a star that Hollywood has not changed... from the start of her public music career to now I do not think her attitude has changed at all, which is pretty amazing.  Just look at all the celebrities that Hollywood has ruined... It is very sad when this happens but I am glad that some of them do not let that fame go to there heads.  And in my opinion Taylor is a perfect example of just that!  :) 

Also... just wanted to add the clip of how rude Kanye West was to Taylor Swift at the VMA's.  I was so shocked that he did this to her...  She did not deserve to be treated like that!  But I was so thankful in the end that Beyonce let Taylor come back on stage and say her thank you speech.  Both of them deserved to win those awards!!!

Movie Posters: NEW MOON :) September 16, 2009

I absolutely love going to the movie theater and seeing new movies!!  When I go I always check out all the different movie posters that they have on display.  People look at the poster to try to determine if the movie would be worth paying $10 to go and see.  So the design and look of these posters really makes a difference.  I am a huge Twilight fan so that is why I picked the New Moon poster to look at.  Most Twilight fans have read the books so the poster really makes since.  The movie is going to be Bella's struggle to decide who she really loves and cares about.. Edward or Jacob?! I think that the poster does a good job of showing this.  If you have not read the book New Moon then this poster might be a little harder at understand but if you saw the first movie then you would at least know who all of the characters are... and you would know that this movie is just continuing the story line from the first movie. Overall, I really like this poster and I cannot wait to see this movie in November! :) 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Target 9-7-09

I absolutely love almost all Target ads!  Most of the time they do not have any words on them and that is awesome.  They use the "Target Sign" and then have some models showing off some of the products they are selling.  It is one of the simplest advertisements but it is one of the most effective.  They are the perfect example of how to advertise.  Target is known for their red and white color scheme.  In all of their ads everything is red and white so when you see all the red and white you know it is for Target.  Target billboard are also good examples of short and sweet, to the point advertisements.         

Starbucks 9-7-09

Unlike the first billboard, I found this Starbucks Coffee Ad and I really like it.  It has a picture with their logo so you know what their product is.  Also it has a one line punch line "Last good cup for miles." Then the last two lines of text are directions on where the Starbucks is located.  The colors they use look really nice together.  The text is a nice dark and bold, so it is very easy to read while you are driving.  I really like this ad because it is so simple.  Just like I said earlier I think that good billboards need to be short and sweet.  I think that this Starbucks billboard is a perfect example of that.   

Family Court 9-7-09

Billboards are a big part of most company's advertising.  When you find a billboard that you do not like its most likely because of the billboards design.  Most problems either come from the layout, color choices or to much text.  Billboard need to be short and sweet since you do not get that long to look at them or read them. This billboard that I have found is using way to much text to get their point across.  There is no way that someone driving on the interstate could read five full lines of small text when they are going 70 mph.  And if you do not read the text you do not really understand what the ad is for.  Overall I think that this add needs to get a punch line to put on there billboard so the reader is not overwhelmed with five lines of text.