Most of us are guilty to belonging to one or maybe both of these social networks. I know that I am. I have belong to facebook, myspace, and most recently twitter. I think that they are a great way to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not get to see very often. All three of these sites are great way to share pictures, videos, links, and much much more! I know, I am starting to sound like I am trying to advertise for them but I'm not. The main reason I wanted to bring them up is because I want to know what you believe the main differences are in these social networking sites? What makes one better than the others?
The first account I had was for myspace but it seems like not that many people use myspace anymore. The next social network I joined was facebook. I would have to say that facebook is my favorite and the one I log into the most but honestly I could not tell you why I like it more that the others. Most recently I joined Twitter. I am not as obsessed with Twitter like I am on facebook but I would probably say that I log on there at least twice a week.
I have heard many complaints from my friends on why they do not like Twitter and have not joined. They say things like there is no point to it. All you can do is update your status so it is creepy because it just seems like you are stalking someone. But really the more that I use twitter the more I seem to like it. Now yes it is not exactly like facebook but it can't be because no one would want to join a social network that was exactly like one they already have. But you can add pictures and videos on twitter too. Now it is not exactly the same but I think that is the point...
I am just waiting to see what social network they design next... I am sure in a few years we will look at facebook and twitter with disgust. We will have a social network that is even more high tech and amazing.
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