Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Fun Theory =] October 27, 2009
I loved the video that was shown in lab last week about The Fun Theory! I love love love it! So I decided to look them up and see what else they have done. According to thefuntheory.com, "This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better." Why can't more organizations have this same design principle "change for the better." If we made more little, fun changes like The Fun Theory, we could make the world a better place. If everyday we thought of something we could do or say to make our lives better just think of how happy we could be or how happy we could make someone else. I really think they are setting a good example for everyone. We all need to have the motto "change for the better."
Here are some more videos of what The Fun Theory is all about. Enjoy!
The Biggest Loser =] October 27, 2009
I am a sucker for reality TV and one of my favorites is The Biggest Loser! It is designed to change the lives of overweight people. Many of the people that are contestants on the show have a lot of issues that they bring with them on the show. Most of the personal baggage they bring has a lot to do with the reasons they are overweight. All of the contestants have to face their issues head on. The trainers try to help them confront the real reason they are overweight. They feel that their success of keeping the weight off is in finding the answers to their person problems.
Obesity is a major problem in The United States. According to USA Today almost 65% of Americans are either overweight or obese. We need to change this. What I like most about The Biggest Loser is that they show how people lose weight the healthy way, not the surgical way. The contestants on the show work out a lot, but they are also taught how to make healthy meals and are taught portion control which is huge in staying healthy. Staying healthy is there main message and that is what is most important. The way this show is designed is great. It is a teaching show that we can all learn from. Maybe if more people watched this we could lower the number of people that are obese in America!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
THIS IS IT =] October 21, 2009
I am a Michael Jackson fan so I am really excited about This Is It!!!! It is a movie that has a lot of the footage from the practice of the This Is It tour... No matter what your personal opinions are of Michael Jackson are you must respect how musically talented he really was. He was a talented singer and dancer. He had a gift and it is really sad that he did not get to complete this last tour, the main reason that he was doing this tour was for his children, he wanted them to see what he did and why he was so famous. They are now old enough to appreciate it and it is so sad that they will never get to see his gift live.
The main reason I am writing this blog is to talk about how the design of the movie trailer can determine if someone wants to go and see that movie. If you are advertising a funny movie the trailer should make you laugh. And if it doesn't then you probably should not go see that movie. I think that the This Is It trailer does a good job of showing what a good trailer should look like. It has great clips from the practices and it just leaves you wanting to see more and hear more. Now if you are not a Michael Jackson fan this trailer is probably not appealing to you. But I think that the design of the trailer could make it or break it for the success of the movie. I think the This Is It trailer has a great design and it really sells the movie. I cannot wait to see it!!!!
HALLOWEEN =] October 21, 2009

Smart Cars??? October 21, 2009

We keep seeing more and more new products with the Go Green thought in mind. And I have been seeing more and more of these smart cars out on the road. I really cannot believe the small design of them. They would probably a great little car to run around in but I do not think I would want to take this little car out on the highway... Now don't get me wrong, I am all for Going Green and pollution from cars is a great place to start but I do not know if I could seriously drive one of these cars... To start look at how tiny they are. How could you even get comfortable in a tiny little car like that? I am sure that they get great gas mileage but I just don't know if I could do it... What if you got into an accident. Would you even survive? I totally love how we are trying to be smart and we are starting to think about our planet but I think that this might be taking it too far...
What do you think?
Twitter vs. Facebook =] October 21, 2009

Most of us are guilty to belonging to one or maybe both of these social networks. I know that I am. I have belong to facebook, myspace, and most recently twitter. I think that they are a great way to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not get to see very often. All three of these sites are great way to share pictures, videos, links, and much much more! I know, I am starting to sound like I am trying to advertise for them but I'm not. The main reason I wanted to bring them up is because I want to know what you believe the main differences are in these social networking sites? What makes one better than the others?
The first account I had was for myspace but it seems like not that many people use myspace anymore. The next social network I joined was facebook. I would have to say that facebook is my favorite and the one I log into the most but honestly I could not tell you why I like it more that the others. Most recently I joined Twitter. I am not as obsessed with Twitter like I am on facebook but I would probably say that I log on there at least twice a week.
I have heard many complaints from my friends on why they do not like Twitter and have not joined. They say things like there is no point to it. All you can do is update your status so it is creepy because it just seems like you are stalking someone. But really the more that I use twitter the more I seem to like it. Now yes it is not exactly like facebook but it can't be because no one would want to join a social network that was exactly like one they already have. But you can add pictures and videos on twitter too. Now it is not exactly the same but I think that is the point...
I am just waiting to see what social network they design next... I am sure in a few years we will look at facebook and twitter with disgust. We will have a social network that is even more high tech and amazing.
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